Sturman LLC’s proprietary program continuously monitors and analyzes clients’ trading data, provides alerts regarding any potential instances of fraud, and makes available opportunities for bringing money back to the funds.
Institutional investors have an economic interest—indeed a fiduciary duty—to ensure their investments and assets are fully protected. Our Portfolio Monitoring Program helps identify investment losses, as well as point the investor to potential opportunities for the recovery of assets through litigation.
The Portfolio Monitoring Program reviews our clients’ portfolio to determine if they have suffered losses in connection with recent market developments, and monitors pending litigation and settlement claims opportunities. Client portfolios are continually monitored to determine whether their investments include shares for which compensation is available. We analyze potential cases or claims and discuss the possibilities for legal redress, allowing our clients to make fully informed decisions about pursuing any securities cases and participating in settlements.
Institutional investors may enroll in Sturman LLC’s Portfolio Monitoring Program at no cost or obligation. As part of enrollment, we will work with your management team to transfer key information and begin monitoring your investments.